Sunday, March 8, 2020

Skokie essays

Skokie essays In the case of Village of Skokie vs. The ACLU(American Civil Liberties Union) I would definitely stand with the ACLU. The ACLU was defending the First Amendment Right. They were not defending the Nazis. We might not agree with what the Nazis are saying but, they still have a right to say it. Herb Lewison of the ACLU and the attorney for Collin stated to the judge Your Honor, this is a simple First Amendment case. The Village of Skokie seeks and order, preventing the exercise of free speech before the speech has even occurred, in spite of the fact that it has been proposed as an orderly exercise, taking place for only 20 minutes on public property in front of the Skokie Municipal Building. This section of the quote from Herb Lewison is simply saying that Skokie is just trying take away the first amendment right of the Nazis. Everything that they are asking for falls within their first amendment right. All they are just proposing is an orderly march. An orderly march for 20 minutes on public property. This is okay in my opinion because everything is offensive to someone. But you still have the right to voice your opinion. The second quote Lewison states is, This is a classic case in which government officials are asking a court of equity to impose a prior restraint on the speech of persons advocating unpopular ideas. Lewison is saying in this part of his summary argument that the government is asking the court to issue a prior restraint on the speech because they dont agree with their ideas. Another part of his quote states The Village of Skokie has shown only that the political views of Collin an ...

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